Protec Computer Academy (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute, Powered by E-Max Education, Branch Code EMAX/EK-80503, Registered by government of India.) is a best IT training center in Siwan with 100% Job placement assistance. Where you can learn Programming, WebDesigning, Hardware|Networking, Blogging, WordPress, Digitial marketing, English Speaking, And many more...| All certificates are valid in Government Jobs as well as in Private Companies. *** At Tara Market, Beside Vishal Mega Mart - Siwan*** +917541905230, Email- *** Follow us on | | @welcome2protec

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

MS Excel MCQ Quiz | Set-5

MS Excel MCQ Quiz - Important MS Excel online MCQ test questions with answer to practice for interviews and competitive exams.

Are you finding the computer general knowledge questions for competitive exams? Here I am sharing computer general knowledge quiz questions and answers covering important topics in computer awareness, which is common for all the competitive exams.

These are the selective and important questions of the computer. You can increase your knowledge by learning these computer questions which help you while solving computer questions in SSC, Bank exams and many other competitive exams.

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1) Shortcut key to minimize Workbook In Ms Excel is_________?


Answer is C) Ctrl+ F9

In Excel, you can use shortcut key (Ctrl + F9) together to minimize current workbook window.

2) Which Of These Keys Are Used In Ms Excel To Copy Value From Above Cell _________?


Answer is B) Ctrl + "

In MS-Excel, press Ctrl + " (quotes) to copy the above cell contents into the current cell.

3) The Greater Than sign (>) is an example of _____ operator.


Answer is B) Logical

Excel logical operators (>) - overview. A logical operator (>) is used in Excel to compare two values. Logical operators are sometimes called Boolean operators because the result of the comparison in any given case can only be either TRUE or FALSE.

4) The process of arranging the items of a column in some sequence or order is known as________?


Answer is C) Sorting

Sorting in Excel is arranging data according to our requirements. It can be done alphabetically or numerically. Basic Sorting works when sorting is to do on only one column. Advanced Sorting is used in multi-level sorting viz sorting required in 2 or more than 2 columns.

5) The ____ feature of MS Excel that quickly completes a series of data.


Answer is B) Auto Fill

Excel has a feature that helps you automatically enter data. If you are entering a predictable series (e.g. 1, 2, 3…; days of the week; hours of the day) you can use the AutoFill command to automatically extend the sequence.

6) What type of chart is useful for comparing parts of a whole ______?


Answer is A) Pie Chart

Pie charts can convert one column or row of spreadsheet data into a pie chart. Each slice of pie (data point) shows the size or percentage of that slice relative to the whole pie. Pie charts work best when: You have only one data series. None of the data values are zero or less than zero.

7) What type of chart is useful for showing trends or changes over time __________?


Answer is C) Line Chart

A line chart is a graph that shows a series of data points connected by straight lines. It is a graphical object used to represent the data in your Excel spreadsheet. You can use a line chart when: You want to show a trend over time (such as days, months or years).

8) What type of chart is good for single series of data _______?


Answer is C) Pie Chart

Pie charts can convert one column or row of spreadsheet data into a pie chart. Each slice of pie (data point) shows the size or percentage of that slice relative to the whole pie. Pie charts work best when: You have only one data series. None of the data values are zero or less than zero.

9) How will you graphically represent expenditure in different departments _________?


Answer is C) Pie Chart

Explanation: By using Pie chart we can graphically represent expenditure in different departments. The type of chart which is good for single series of data is Pie chart. The basic unit of a worksheet into which we enter data in excel is called a Cell.

10) In Excel two common wildcard characters that Excel recognizes are _______?


Answer is A) * and ?

There are three wildcard characters in Excel:

  • * (asterisk) – It represents any number of characters. For example, Ex* could mean Excel, Excels, Example, Expert, etc.
  • ? (question mark) – It represents one single character.
  • ~ (tilde) – It is used to identify a wildcard character (~, *, ?) in the text.

Protec Computer Academy (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute, Powered by E-Max Education, Branch Code EMAX/EK-80503, Registered by government of India.) is a best IT training center in Siwan with 100% Job placement assistance. Where you can learn Programming, WebDesigning, Hardware|Networking, Blogging, WordPress, Digitial marketing, English Speaking, And many more...| All certificates are valid in Government Jobs as well as in Private Companies. *** At Tara Market, Beside Vishal Mega Mart - Siwan*** +966532621401, Email- *** Follow us on | | @welcome2protec

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Ahmad Irshad

Author & Editor

I love blogging, teaching, learning computer science and sharing it to others. I've written and develped this site so that students may learn computer science related tutorials eaisly. MCA / MCITP


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Protec Computer Academy (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute, Powered by E-Max Education, Branch Code EMAX/EK-80503, Registered by government of India.) is a best IT training center in Siwan with 100% Job placement assistance. Where you can learn Programming, WebDesigning, Hardware|Networking, Blogging, WordPress, Digitial marketing, English Speaking, And many more...| All certificates are valid in Government Jobs as well as in Private Companies. *** At Tara Market, Beside Vishal Mega Mart - Siwan*** +966532621401, Email- *** Follow us on | | @welcome2protec
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