Protec Computer Academy (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute, Powered by E-Max Education, Branch Code EMAX/EK-80503, Registered by government of India.) is a best IT training center in Siwan with 100% Job placement assistance. Where you can learn Programming, WebDesigning, Hardware|Networking, Blogging, WordPress, Digitial marketing, English Speaking, And many more...| All certificates are valid in Government Jobs as well as in Private Companies. *** At Tara Market, Beside Vishal Mega Mart - Siwan*** +917541905230, Email- *** Follow us on | | @welcome2protec

Thursday, December 17, 2020

C program to input and display array elements using pointers

C Program to input and display arr elements |

Write a C program to input and display array elements from user using pointers. How to take input array elements from user and how to display it using pointer? Have a look at below the program:

You can either use pointer arithmetic (ptr + i) or can increment pointer ptr[i] to get memory location of array elements.

1st way by incrementing pointer ptr[i]: C Program to input and display array elements from user using pointers.

#include <stdio.h> 
#define max_size 50

int main(){
 int size, i;
 int arr[max_size];
 int *ptr = arr; //pointing to base address
 printf("Enter size of array: ");
 scanf("%d", &size);

 /*Running for loop to input array elements from user*/
 printf("Please input array elements: ");
 for(i = 0; i <= size; i++){
    scanf("%d", ptr[i]);
    ptr++; //Incrementing ptr to point next location

 /*Make sure pointer again point back to base address*/
 ptr = arr;

 printf("Array elements: ");
 for(i = 0; i <= size; i++){
    printf("%d", *ptr); //Displaying arr elements using pointer
    ptr++; //Increment ptr to point next element 
 return 0;

2nd way: Best Approach

You can write the above program by another way using pointers arithmetic. This is more better than the first way to deal with arrays using pointer. You can easily apply pointers arithmetic (ptr + i) to get memory location of next array elements instead of increment pointer.

C Program to input and display array elements from user using pointers.

#include <stdio.h> 
#define max_size 50

int main(){
 int size, i;
 int arr[max_size];
 int *ptr = arr; //pointing to base address
 printf("Enter size of array: ");
 scanf("%d", &size);

 /*Running for loop to input array elements from user*/
 printf("Please input array elements: \n");
 for(i = 0; i <= size; i++){
    scanf("%d  ", ptr+i);

 printf("Elements stored in array: ");
 for(i = 0; i <= size; i++){
    printf("%d", *(ptr+i)); //Displaying arr elements using pointer 
 return 0;


Enter size of array: 8
Please input array elements:
2    4    6    8    10    12    14    16
Elements stored in array:
2    4    6    8    10    12    14    16

Protec Computer Academy (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute, Powered by E-Max Education, Branch Code EMAX/EK-80503, Registered by government of India.) is a best IT training center in Siwan with 100% Job placement assistance. Where you can learn Programming, WebDesigning, Hardware|Networking, Blogging, WordPress, Digitial marketing, English Speaking, And many more...| All certificates are valid in Government Jobs as well as in Private Companies. *** At Tara Market, Beside Vishal Mega Mart - Siwan*** +966532621401, Email- *** Follow us on | | @welcome2protec

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Ahmad Irshad

Author & Editor

I love blogging, teaching, learning computer science and sharing it to others. I've written and develped this site so that students may learn computer science related tutorials eaisly. MCA / MCITP


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Protec Computer Academy (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute, Powered by E-Max Education, Branch Code EMAX/EK-80503, Registered by government of India.) is a best IT training center in Siwan with 100% Job placement assistance. Where you can learn Programming, WebDesigning, Hardware|Networking, Blogging, WordPress, Digitial marketing, English Speaking, And many more...| All certificates are valid in Government Jobs as well as in Private Companies. *** At Tara Market, Beside Vishal Mega Mart - Siwan*** +966532621401, Email- *** Follow us on | | @welcome2protec
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